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CoolSculpting vs. Liposuction

CoolSculpting vs. Liposuction

In-Depth Comparison

In this comprehensive comparison, we’ll explore the differences between CoolSculpting and Liposuction, two popular methods for fat reduction. CoolSculpting is a non-invasive procedure that freezes and eliminates fat cells, while Liposuction is a surgical technique involving the removal of fat through suction.

  CoolSculpting Liposuction
The procedure It’s a kind of cryptolysis, a technique that involves freezing fat cells. A series of small incisions are made around the treatment area. A thin tube is used to loosen fat cells so they can be vacuumed out.
Safety CoolSculpting is a noninvasive procedure. Side effects are usually minor. Liposuction ia an invasive surgery that may require anesthesia.
Effectiveness and results Less dramatic results. According to the CoolScultping website, it can eliminate up to 20 to 25 percent of fat cells in a certain area. More dramatic results. It can remove up to 5 to 8 liters of body fat.
Side effects Side effects can include short-term bruising or skin sensitivity that usually resolves within weeks. Side effects can include anesthesia reactions, blood clots, and other potentially serious complications.
Recovery time There’s usually little to no recovery period. Recovery takes about 3 to 5 days with lingering effects for weeks
Time to see full results Typically, after a few weeks Up to a few months
Cost Between about $2,000 and $4,000. In 2020, the average cost was $3,637.

Overview of Procedures

Areas of the Body Commonly Treated

Both CoolSculpting and Liposuction offer remarkable versatility when it comes to sculpting and contouring the body, making them popular choices for individuals seeking to enhance their physical appearance. These procedures can effectively target a wide range of areas across the body, allowing patients to achieve their desired aesthetic goals. Here are some of the common areas of the body that are commonly treated with these two methods:


The abdominal region is one of the most frequently treated areas with both CoolSculpting and Liposuction. Whether it’s eliminating stubborn belly fat or achieving a flatter and more toned midsection, these procedures can help reshape the contours of the abdomen.


CoolSculpting and Liposuction can address fat deposits on both the inner and outer thighs. This is particularly beneficial for individuals who wish to achieve slimmer and more sculpted legs.

Love Handles

The dreaded love handles, also known as flanks or muffin tops, can be effectively treated with both procedures. CoolSculpting’s non-invasive approach is often favored for this area, while Liposuction provides more immediate results.

Upper Arms

Patients looking to eliminate excess fat and achieve shapelier arms can benefit from both CoolSculpting and Liposuction. These treatments can help create a more toned and youthful appearance in the upper arm area.

Chin and Neck

Unwanted fat under the chin and along the neck, often referred to as a “double chin,” can be treated using CoolSculpting’s specialized applicators or through Liposuction. This can result in a more defined jawline and a rejuvenated facial appearance.


Stubborn back fat can be a source of frustration for many individuals. Both CoolSculpting and Liposuction can target these areas, helping to sculpt the back for a smoother and more contoured appearance.


Besides love handles, CoolSculpting and Liposuction are excellent choices for addressing fat deposits on the flanks or sides of the torso, creating a more streamlined silhouette.


While Liposuction can be used to reshape and contour the buttocks, CoolSculpting may also be employed to achieve subtle improvements in this area by reducing unwanted fat.


The knees can be a challenging area to tone through diet and exercise alone. Both procedures can help reduce fat around the knees and improve overall leg aesthetics.


In some cases, CoolSculpting can be used to target excess fat in the chest area, while Liposuction can address gynecomastia, a condition where men develop enlarged breast tissue.

Devices or Tools Used

CoolSculpting and Liposuction are two distinct methods for body contouring and fat reduction, each employing a unique set of devices and tools to achieve their respective goals.

CoolSculpting Devices

CoolSculpting, also known as cryolipolysis, relies on a non-invasive approach to reduce fat. It utilizes specialized applicators designed to target and freeze fat cells in specific areas of the body. These applicators come in various shapes and sizes to accommodate different body contours. The primary components of a CoolSculpting system include:

  • Applicators: CoolSculpting machines feature a variety of applicators, such as flat paddles, cups, or curved applicators, each suited for specific body areas like the abdomen, flanks, thighs, and chin. These applicators generate controlled cooling that chills the fat cells, causing them to undergo apoptosis (natural cell death).
  • Cooling Panels: The applicators contain cooling panels that come into direct contact with the skin. These panels rapidly lower the temperature of the targeted fat cells without harming the surrounding tissues.
  • Vacuum or Suction Mechanism: Some CoolSculpting applicators also incorporate gentle suction or vacuum pressure to draw the targeted fat tissue into the cooling chamber, ensuring more precise and effective treatment.

Liposuction Tools

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of excess fat through suction. It employs a range of specialized instruments and tools to perform fat extraction. These tools typically include:

  • Cannulas: Cannulas are thin, hollow tubes with various tip designs that are inserted through small incisions in the skin. They are the primary tools used for fat removal in liposuction. The choice of cannula size and shape depends on the specific area being treated and the surgeon’s technique.
  • Suction Device (Aspirator): A suction device, often referred to as an aspirator, is connected to the cannulas. It generates a vacuum that assists in the gentle extraction of emulsified fat tissue through the cannula.
  • Tumescent Solution: Before the fat removal process begins, a tumescent solution is injected into the targeted area. This solution contains a local anesthetic and a vasoconstrictor, which helps numb the area and minimize bleeding. It also facilitates the breakup of fat cells, making them easier to remove.
  • Power Source: Liposuction equipment typically requires an electrical power source to operate the suction device and other associated components.


Recovery following body contouring procedures such as CoolSculpting and liposuction is a crucial aspect to consider when deciding which method is best suited for your needs. These two techniques have distinct differences in terms of the recovery process, and understanding them can help you make an informed choice.


CoolSculpting is a non-invasive fat reduction method that uses targeted cooling to freeze and destroy fat cells. Its recovery process is relatively straightforward and comes with several advantages:

  • Minimal Downtime: One of the primary benefits of CoolSculpting is that it typically involves minimal downtime. After the procedure, you can usually resume your normal activities almost immediately. This is particularly appealing to individuals with busy schedules or those who don’t want an extended recovery period.
  • Swelling and Temporary Numbness: While CoolSculpting is relatively gentle on the body, it is common to experience some degree of swelling and temporary numbness in the treated area. These side effects are usually mild and resolve on their own over a short period.
  • Gradual Results: It’s essential to note that CoolSculpting results develop gradually over several weeks as your body naturally eliminates the treated fat cells. This means you won’t see immediate changes, but rather a gradual improvement in the targeted area.


Liposuction is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of excess fat from specific areas of the body. It offers more dramatic and immediate results compared to CoolSculpting but comes with a more extensive recovery process:

  • Moderate to Extensive Recovery: Liposuction typically entails a more moderate to extensive recovery period compared to CoolSculpting. Patients often experience bruising, swelling, and discomfort in the treated areas. The extent of these side effects can vary depending on factors such as the amount of fat removed and the individual’s response to surgery.
  • Gradual Return to Normal Activities: Unlike CoolSculpting, which allows for a quick return to regular activities, liposuction patients may need to take it easy for a few weeks after the procedure. Strenuous physical activities should be avoided during this time to facilitate proper healing and minimize the risk of complications.
  • Immediate Results: While CoolSculpting results take time to fully manifest, liposuction offers immediate improvements in body contour. However, it’s important to keep in mind that the final results may not be fully apparent until the post-operative swelling subsides.


Duration is a critical factor to consider when comparing two popular fat reduction methods, CoolSculpting and liposuction. Both procedures aim to contour the body and reduce unwanted fat deposits, but they differ significantly in terms of the time investment required. During CoolSculpting treatment, a specialized applicator is placed on the target area, and the cold temperatures selectively target fat cells without harming surrounding tissues. In contrast, liposuction is performed under general or local anesthesia, and it involves making small incisions through which a thin tube called a cannula is inserted. The surgeon then suctioned out excess fat from the targeted areas. The time it takes to complete the liposuction procedure can range from one to several hours, depending on the complexity and size of the treatment areas.

Pain Level


  • Minimal Anesthesia or Numbing: CoolSculpting typically requires little to no anesthesia. Some patients may experience mild discomfort during the initial few minutes when the applicator is applied to the target area. However, as the treatment area becomes numb due to the cold temperature, any discomfort subsides.
  • Post-Procedure Sensation: After the treatment, some patients might experience sensations such as tingling, numbness, or mild soreness in the treated area. These sensations are generally well-tolerated and are not considered painful. They typically resolve on their own within a few days to weeks.
  • Minimal Recovery Time: CoolSculpting allows patients to resume their normal activities immediately after the procedure, without the need for downtime. This is in contrast to more invasive procedures like liposuction, which can require days to weeks of recovery.


  • Anesthesia or Local Numbing: Liposuction is typically performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. This is necessary to ensure the patient’s comfort during the procedure, as it involves making small incisions and using a cannula to suction out fat.
  • Discomfort During and After: During the liposuction procedure, patients may experience a sensation of pressure, tugging, or discomfort as the surgeon maneuvers the cannula beneath the skin. This discomfort can vary depending on the extent of the procedure and the patient’s pain tolerance.
  • Post-Operative Pain: After liposuction, patients commonly experience soreness, bruising, and swelling in the treated areas. This discomfort can be moderate to severe and may persist for several days to weeks. Pain management medications are often prescribed to help manage post-operative pain.
  • Recovery Time: Liposuction typically requires a longer recovery period compared to CoolSculpting. Patients may need to take time off work and avoid strenuous activities for several days to weeks, depending on the extent of the procedure.

While CoolSculpting offers a lower pain level and minimal downtime, liposuction involves moderate pain and a more extended recovery period. The choice between these two procedures often depends on the patient’s goals, pain tolerance, and willingness to undergo surgery, as well as the specific areas to be treated and the desired outcomes.

Expected Results

The expected results of CoolSculpting typically include a 20-25% reduction in fat in the treated area. This reduction occurs gradually over time and becomes visible over the course of one to six months. Here’s a more detailed breakdown of what you can expect:

  • Gradual Fat Reduction: CoolSculpting works by freezing and destroying fat cells, which are then naturally eliminated by the body’s lymphatic system. This process takes time, and you can expect to see a gradual reduction in the treated area’s fat content.
  • Progressive Improvement: While you may notice some initial changes within a few weeks, the most significant improvements become evident over the first few months following the procedure. As the body continues to process and eliminate the destroyed fat cells, the treated area will become slimmer and more contoured.
  • Non-Invasive Nature: CoolSculpting’s non-invasive nature means there is minimal downtime and no need for surgical incisions or anesthesia. Patients can typically return to their regular activities immediately after the procedure.
  • Multiple Sessions: Depending on your goals and the size of the treated area, you may require multiple CoolSculpting sessions to achieve the desired results. These sessions are usually spaced a few weeks apart.

Liposuction provides more aggressive fat reduction compared to CoolSculpting, with an expected fat reduction ranging from 25-50%. Here’s a more detailed explanation of what you can anticipate with liposuction:

  • Immediate Fat Reduction: Unlike CoolSculpting, which offers gradual results, liposuction provides immediate fat reduction in the treated areas. You will notice a noticeable difference in your body shape right after the procedure.
  • Greater Fat Removal: Liposuction is a highly effective method for removing larger volumes of fat from specific areas of the body. This can result in a more dramatic transformation compared to CoolSculpting.
  • Surgical Procedure: Liposuction is a surgical procedure that requires anesthesia and small incisions. As a result, there is a longer recovery period compared to CoolSculpting, and patients may need to take some time off work and physical activities.
  • Swelling and Bruising: It’s common to experience swelling and bruising after liposuction. These side effects typically subside over several weeks, and the final results become more apparent as the swelling goes down.
  • Maintenance: While liposuction provides more immediate results, it’s essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle to prevent the accumulation of new fat in treated areas. A balanced diet and regular exercise can help you maintain your new body shape.

Before & After Photos

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Cost Breakdown

  • CoolSculpting: Average cost range of $2,000 – $4,000 per treatment area.

  • Liposuction: Average cost range of $3,000 – $7,000 per treatment area.

Ideal Candidates

CoolSculpting and Liposuction are two popular cosmetic procedures that are effective in achieving body contouring and fat reduction. The ideal candidates for both procedures share certain characteristics:

Specific Fat Deposits

Both CoolSculpting and Liposuction work best for individuals who have specific areas of stubborn fat that they want to target. These areas could include the abdomen, thighs, love handles, buttocks, or chin. Ideal candidates have localized pockets of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise.

Desire for Body Contouring

Candidates should have a clear desire for body contouring and enhancement. They should have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the procedures, understanding that they are not meant for massive weight loss but rather for refining and sculpting the body’s appearance.

General Good Health

Candidates should be in good overall health. This includes being at or near their ideal body weight, as these procedures are not intended as a primary method for significant weight reduction. Good health is essential to ensure a safe and smooth recovery.

Skin Elasticity

Skin elasticity is an important factor, especially for Liposuction. Candidates with good skin elasticity are more likely to achieve optimal results because the skin can better conform to the new body contours after fat removal.

Realistic Expectations

It’s crucial for candidates to have realistic expectations about the procedures’ outcomes and limitations. They should understand that while these treatments can provide noticeable improvements, perfection may not be attainable, and there may be some post-procedure recovery time.

Potential Side Effects

When considering cosmetic procedures like Liposuction and CoolSculpting, it’s essential to be aware of potential side effects and risks associated with each treatment. While both procedures aim to enhance your body’s contours and reduce unwanted fat, they may have some temporary side effects and, in rare instances, more serious complications.

Temporary Side Effects

  • Swelling: After both Liposuction and CoolSculpting, patients commonly experience swelling. This swelling is a natural response to the trauma caused to the treated areas during the procedures. It can vary in intensity but usually subsides over a few days to a few weeks as the body heals.
  • Bruising: Bruising is another temporary side effect that can occur with both Liposuction and CoolSculpting. This discoloration of the skin typically resolves on its own within a few weeks but can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers and cold compresses.

Rare Risks

While these cosmetic procedures are generally considered safe, there are rare risks that patients should be aware of:

  • Infection (Liposuction): Although the risk of infection with Liposuction is low, it is a potential complication that should not be overlooked. To minimize this risk, surgeons adhere to strict sterile protocols during the procedure, and patients are given post-operative care instructions to follow meticulously.
  • Paradoxical Fat Hyperplasia (CoolSculpting): Paradoxical fat hyperplasia is an exceedingly rare side effect associated with CoolSculpting. Instead of reducing fat in the treated area, paradoxical fat hyperplasia leads to an abnormal increase in fat tissue. While the exact cause is not fully understood, it emphasizes the importance of selecting an experienced and reputable provider when considering CoolSculpting.

It’s crucial to have open and honest discussions with your healthcare provider or cosmetic surgeon before undergoing any procedure. They can provide you with a comprehensive overview of the potential side effects and risks, as well as help you weigh the benefits against the potential drawbacks. Additionally, following post-operative instructions diligently and attending all recommended follow-up appointments can significantly reduce the likelihood of experiencing these side effects and complications. Your safety and satisfaction are paramount in any cosmetic journey, and informed decision-making is the first step towards achieving your desired results.

Pros and Cons

  CoolSculpting Liposuction
  • Non-Invasive: CoolSculpting is a non-invasive procedure, which means it does not require surgical incisions or anesthesia. Patients do not experience the risks associated with surgery.
  • Minimal Downtime: Recovery time for CoolSculpting is minimal. Most individuals can resume their daily activities immediately after the treatment. There may be some mild discomfort, bruising, or swelling, but these usually subside within a few days.
  • Gradual Results: CoolSculpting provides gradual results as the body naturally eliminates frozen fat cells over several weeks to months. This gradual change can be less noticeable to others and may help individuals adjust to their new appearance more easily.
  • Long-Lasting with Maintenance: While not a one-time fix, CoolSculpting results can be long-lasting with proper maintenance. A healthy lifestyle and regular exercise can help maintain reduced fat levels.
  • Immediate and Substantial Fat Removal: Liposuction provides a dramatic and immediate reduction in fat volume during a single session. This makes it an attractive option for those looking for significant changes in their body shape.
  • Permanent Results: Liposuction permanently removes fat cells from the treated areas. As long as a healthy lifestyle is maintained, the fat is unlikely to return to the treated areas.
  • Moderate Fat Reduction: CoolSculpting typically offers moderate fat reduction. It may not be suitable for individuals with significant fat deposits who desire a more dramatic change.
  • Multiple Sessions: Achieving the desired results often requires multiple CoolSculpting sessions. This can increase the overall cost and time commitment compared to other methods.
  • Invasive: Liposuction is a surgical procedure that requires incisions and anesthesia, which inherently carries higher risks compared to non-invasive methods like CoolSculpting.
  • Longer Recovery: Recovery after liposuction can be more extensive compared to CoolSculpting. Patients may need to take time off work and avoid strenuous activities for a longer period. Swelling and bruising can persist for several weeks.
  • Higher Cost: Liposuction is generally more expensive than CoolSculpting due to the surgical nature of the procedure and the costs associated with operating room facilities and anesthesia.
  • Potential for Complications: Liposuction, being a surgical procedure, carries a higher risk of complications such as infection, bleeding, and irregular contouring. Choosing a qualified and experienced surgeon is crucial to minimize these risks.

Choose a CoolSculpting or Liposuction with BodySquad Today

When choosing between CoolSculpting and Liposuction, consider your goals, pain tolerance, recovery time, and budget. Consultation with experts is essential for personalized recommendations. Our experts will assess your unique needs and anatomy to provide tailored guidance on the optimal procedure for you.

Speak with Our Experts to Get a Customized Recommendation

Ditch the Stress this Holiday Season

It’s Time to Stress Less!

The Holiday season is here, and as Andy Williams would say, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” However, for many of us, it can also be the most stressful time of the year. With family obligations, travel plans, holiday parties, and a million other things, there’s no surprise that stress will find its way to you. We put together a list of ways for you to ditch the stress this holiday season. 

Plan, Plan, Plan

    • Planning can take as little as 5-10 minutes out of your day but has the power to make your entire day less stressful and much more productive
    • Make sure to write your to-do’s on paper – this way, you can visually see what’s realistic and what’s not.
    • Plan out your meals – when you have a million things to do, healthy eating is usually not your number one priority. Planning out your meals will take out the stress of unhealthy eating help you stay on track. 
    • Make sure to line up help for party prep and cleanup ahead of time so you can enjoy the celebrations without worrying too much (we all know things can get pretty hectic before a party). 
    • Try to plan before the stress can creep in; this will make your life a little bit easier. 

Surround Yourself With the People You Love

    • What better way to destress than with spending quality time with the ones you love most? 
    • The best thing about the holidays is that family and friends are always around, and research shows that being in the mere presence of friends and family can physically reduce stress.
    • Surrounding yourself with others offers the opportunity for social interaction, which can help take your mind off other holiday stressors. 
    • Spending time with the ones who mean the most to you is always rewarding and can help you fully decompress after a stressful day of holiday planning. 

Be ‘Realistic’

    • It’s important to set realistic expectations, do your best and let the rest go.
    • The holidays do not have to be perfect, we often put too much pressure on ourselves to be the absolute best, but that’s not what the holidays are about. 
    • Let others help you – instead of trying to do all the cooking by yourself, let others help; this will allow for a pleasant, long stress-free visit with guests. 
    • So, stop exhausting yourself to prepare the perfect holiday spread. Instead, buy that 99-cent pack of rolls if that means being able to enjoy the day.


Invest in YOU

    • The holiday season can be a lot for many of us and can feel like a never-ending marathon. But like any good runner, it’s important to plan your pitstops along the way to refresh and refuel. 
    • Find something that will reduce your stress, whether that be with friends and family or by yourself. Schedule a massage, take a nap, go for a run, or spend time to chill and watch tv. 
    • An easy and effective way of getting back to your pre-holiday body, is with CoolSculpting and CoolTone at BodySquad. CoolSculpting will help remove unwanted fat (for good!) and CoolTone will tone and tighten your body.
    • Come in for a free body assessment and we will work with you to create the perfect plan for your goals and budget

Sumbit your information below to get your free body assessment scheduled:

Free Body Assessment:


Though the holidays can be a time of stress, this is a time to be joyous and relax a bit. There are several ways to minimize it by implementing these simple tips so you can fully enjoy this festive time of year!


Five Tips To Help You Stay in Shape This Season

Staying in Shape During the Holidays!

The holiday season is upon us, and we know life can start to get pretty busy with family gatherings, traveling, festive outings, and much more. With all this going on, exercise and healthy eating habits can get pushed to the back burner, and many of us see our waistlines expand (even the most disciplined people). We’ve come up with a list of 5 things you can do to stay on track this holiday season. 

Stay Active

    • It can be hard to find time to go to the gym during the holiday season. However, we all know that to keep the weight off, we have to burn more calories than we consume. It’s essential to keep moving whenever you can find the time. 
    • Here are a few tips to help you stay active during the holiday season:
      1. Traveling for the holidays? If so, take advantage of the ample space in the airport; take a brisk walk through the terminal.
      2. Ditch the elevator! Whenever you have the chance, take the stairs.
      3. When you’re watching TV march or jog in place, and every time there’s a commercial break, make yourself do situps or pushups.
      4. Dance, dance, dance! Dancing is a fantastic way to get your steps in, while also having fun! 

Find a Workout Buddy

    • Motivating yourself to exercise can be tough, but when you have a buddy by your side, it can make working out a lot easier and much more fun!
    • When someone is counting on you to meet up, you’ll find that it is a lot harder to skip the gym. Having the accountability of a friend always keeps you going. 
    • Having someone to work out with makes a big difference in the quality and frequency of your exercise. Ask a friend to join you; you’ll both benefit from it!

Plan ahead

    • Start each day with a game plan; this will help you keep on track and will ease the amount of stress you may be feeling. 
    • If you can, try and work out in the morning, this will jump-start your day and make sure that you don’t get distracted later in the day by holiday parties or other fun festivities. 
    • Avoid skipping meals! Maybe you had too many sweets the night before (we’ve all been there) and want to skip breakfast. However, this is detrimental to your health and may cause overeating later on in the day. Try to plan out your meals evenly throughout the day.

Stay Hydrated

    • From crazy busy schedules to holiday cocktails, it’s essential to make sure you’re drinking enough water during the holiday season. 
    • The holiday season entails friends, family, and booze (lots and lots of booze). To combat these next-day hangovers, make sure you’re drinking enough water. For every drink you have, make sure to pair it with a glass of water. 
    • Food is also a big part of the holiday season, and no one should feel the need to restrict during this time. However, instead of reaching for your second serving of goodies, drink water first. You’ll feel fuller and be hydrated!
    • Bring your reusable water bottle to holiday functions. By doing this, you will always be hydrated! This way you’ll also know how much water you’re consuming in a day – eight glasses a day is recommended.


    • Can’t seem to lose those extra inches? It can be frustrating, but CoolSculpting can help with that!
    • CoolSculpting utilizes cooling technology to freeze fat cells while leaving the skin and surrounding tissue unharmed. 
    • For most of us, this is the busiest time of year, and it can be hard to find time to get a full workout in. One of the best things about CoolSculpting is that it’s non-invasive and requires zero downtime, so you are free to get right back to your holiday planning. 
    • If this sounds like something, you’d be interested in, you can come in to BodySquad for a free body assessment and consultation. Provide your information below and we’ll schedule your free assessment.
Free Body Assessment:


The holidays can be a stressful time, but it is also a time where you should enjoy holiday traditions and embrace special times with family and friends. Try incorporating these helpful tips into your life, but remember to relax a little. Happy Holidays everyone!

CoolSculpting and CoolTone – Better Together!

It’s a Perfect Match!

CoolTone is Allergan’s latest addition to the body contouring profile and pairs perfectly with its cousin device, CoolSculpting, to provide both fat reduction and muscle building. CoolSculpting, which has been around for many years, is FDA-approved to freeze away unwanted fat. On the other hand, CoolTone is new to the game and focuses on strengthening, toning, and building muscle. These two devices go together like yin and yang, read on to learn more!

How CoolTone Works

  • Despite having the word “cool” in its name, CoolTone does not utilize freezing temperatures to freeze fat, like its cousin CoolSculpting. Instead, it is intended to strengthen and tone your muscles. 
  • CoolTone works by utilizing a technology called magnetic muscle stimulation (MMS). This technology causes involuntary contractions in your muscles.
  • The technology feels like a slight muscle spasm but is pain-free, and one session is only 30 minutes.
  • The contractions cause the muscles to strengthen, leaving you with a more toned and firmer physique. 
  • CoolTone is FDA-approved to treat areas of the body, such as the stomach, thighs, and buttocks. 

How CoolSculpting Works

  • CoolSculpting, on the other hand, has been around for many years, with over 8 million treatments performed and is recognized as the #1 nonsurgical fat reduction treatment used by doctors. 
  • CoolSculpting utilizes freezing temperatures to eliminate unwanted pockets of fat for good. 
  • The fat cells gradually get cleaned out of the fat layer through your body’s immune cells. The liver metabolizes the cells and then excretes them from the body, leaving you with an overall slimmer physique.  
  • CoolSculpting is FDA-approved to treat areas of the body such as under the chin (double chin), thighs, stomach, flanks, bra fat, back fat, underneath the butt (banana rolls), as well as the upper arms

How CoolSculpting and CoolTone Work Together

  • Individually these two technologies are incredibly powerful and have been visibly and scientifically proven to work. 
  • However, when paired together, these two technologies are unlike anything else. The power of body contouring shines through. 
  • It is recommended first to treat unwanted fat with CoolSculpting, then tone the same area with CoolTone. Combining these non-invasive procedures will leave you with faster and even more successful results
  • It’s one thing to look good in your clothes, but why not take it a step further and feel good in a swimsuit with not only a flat stomach but also chiseled abs. 

Gone are the days of fad diets and countless hours in the gym to achieve an ideal body image. With the combination of CoolSculpting and CoolTone, your ideal body image is attainable in a much easier and less time-consuming way. BodySquad, located in Boca Raton, is one of the only offices nationwide to offer both of these nonsurgical procedures.

If you’re ready to combine these two incredible treatments, drop your information below and we’ll be in touch with you shortly with more information regarding CoolSculpting and/or CoolTone.

“CoolTone is FDA-approved to treat areas of the body, such as the arms, stomach, thighs, and buttocks.

4 Reasons Why You Need CoolTone in Your Life

It’s time to get your dream body!

You may have heard of CoolSculpting, the revolutionary device by Allergan that freezes and eliminates fat. But there’s a new addition to the body contouring profile called CoolToneCoolTone is Allergan’s latest device that is FDA-cleared to strengthen and tone areas on your body, including your stomach, butt, and thighs — looking to get toned with no downtime or surgery? CoolTone may be the answer for you, read on to find out why YOU need this device in your life. 


    • A lot of people think the only way to sculpt your body is by going under the knife. However, with CoolTone you can now sculpt and tone your ideal body in as little as 30 minutes without having any surgery.
    • The CoolTone device uses Magnetic Muscle Stimulation (MMS) to induce involuntary muscle contractions resulting in a more toned and defined appearance. 
    • The treatment is also pain-free and targets only the muscle layers as it penetrates through the skin and fat layers. 
    • Because this treatment is 100% non-invasive and requires no downtime, you’re free to get right back to your usual activities.


    • Allergan has been a trusted world leader in medical aesthetics for years. They are continuously innovating and enabling people to live healthier and longer lives. 
    • Allergan continues to meet the needs of patients seeking non-invasive treatments. When they first came out with CoolSculpting, the body-contouring world was changed forever. Now with CoolTone, patients can take their bodies further. 
    • In June of 2019, the CoolTone device was officially FDA-approved to strengthen, tone, and firm the stomach, butt, and thighs. 
    • This device is safe, and as mentioned previously, painless! Individuals may experience mild soreness the day following (similar to an ab workout), but this is normal and to be expected. 


    • Everything you’ve heard is great, but you’re probably wondering how effective this treatment is and why you can’t just go to the gym to gain these muscles.
    • The CoolTone device produces supramaximal contractions, meaning that all of the muscle fibers are working at a level significantly higher than one could ever achieve on their own. 
    • The CoolTone device has also been shown to deliver up to 50% more magnetic intensity (1.35 T versus 0.9 T) than it’s leading competitor. 
    • When one decides to sculpt their body with CoolTone, they will notice a definition of muscle that they’d never imagined was possible. 

Bodysculpting by bodysquad

Check out the before and after of this woman who completed 4 sessions of CoolTone.


    • One of the most significant advantages of CoolTone is how convenient the treatment is.
    • It can be discouraging when you spend hours in the gym only to see little to no changes to your body. 
    • Sometimes all we need is a little jump start to start seeing a difference, and CoolTone is here to do just that. 
    • Each session (we recommend a minimum of four treatments) is only 30 minutes, and because there is no surgery involved, you are free to get back to your daily routine. 
    • CoolTone is changing people’s lives due to the convenient, and extremely powerful results, so stop spending hours in the gym and let the magic of CoolTone do the work for you. 

BodySquad, located in Boca Raton, is currently one of the few bodysculpting centers nationwide to offer this incredible new device. So, what’re you waiting for? Get the body you’ve always dreamed of TODAY!

The Non-Invasive Mommy Makeover

Getting Back to Your Pre-Baby Body

Becoming a mother is one of the most selfless gestures a woman makes. There is nothing better than looking into your beautiful baby’s eyes and seeing nothing but love. However, childbirth and pregnancy can take a significant toll on the body. Many women find it challenging to get back to their pre-baby body and don’t have the time or financial capabilities to go through extensive surgeries. Women are turning to non-invasive treatments to get rid of excess fat, sagging skin, stretch marks, and everything else that results from pregnancy. Keep reading to learn more about the ‘Mommy Makeover.’

Losing the Fat

  • After having children, many women notice they have excess fat in places they didn’t pre-baby. Despite eating healthier and exercising daily, the weight doesn’t seem to come off like it used to. Luckily, the FDA-approved procedure, CoolSculpting, eliminates unwanted excess fat. 
  • CoolSculpting utilizes cooling technology to freeze fat cells while leaving the skin and surrounding tissue unharmed. 
  • CoolSculpting is a fantastic treatment for new mothers because, along with it being non-invasive, there is no downtime. You can get right back to your new bundle of joy. 
  • If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, contact BodySquad at (561)-903-4945 or visit

Treat Torn Muscles

  • When women become pregnant, the muscles of the abdomen stretch and become weak. Some women may develop diastasis recti, which occurs when the large abdominal muscles separate, making it look like they are still pregnant. 
  • However, with the new revolutionary FDA-approved device, CoolTone, women can strengthen those abdominal muscles, getting back to their pre-baby body. 
  • The CoolTone device uses Magnetic Muscle Stimulation (MMS) technology to penetrate through the skin and fat layers and target only the muscle layer, inducing involuntary muscle contractions. 
  • CoolTone is an excellent option for women who have developed diastasis recti or women who want to improve the appearance of the abdomen. 
  • CoolTone is the next evolution in body contouring, only offered to a select few of practices nationwide. Luckily, BodySquad is one of the few practices to receive this device! So what are you waiting for, come on in to see the magic for yourself!

Getting Rid of Loose Skin

  • It can be discouraging to look down and see sagging skin on your belly post-pregnancy. However, you’re not alone, loose skin after pregnancy is a challenge for many new moms. 
  • It can be hard to get rid of loose skin all on your own but with the help of ThermiSmooth, you’ll be back to your pre-baby body in no time. 
  • ThermiSmooth is a non-invasive device that utilizes radiofrequency energy to gently heat the tissues and stimulate the production of collagen as well as remodel existing collagen.
  • Collagen helps to strengthen and tighten the skin and to make it more elastic. The new collagen will prompt your skin to “shrink” immediately. 
  • If you are someone that suffers from loose or sagging skin, ThermiSmooth can be a great option for you! Visit Allenby Cosmetic Dermatology to learn more about this incredible device.

Tightening ‘Things’ Up Down There

  • Although common in women who have gone through childbirth, talking about lax vaginal tissue and weakened muscles can be an uncomfortable topic. 
  • However, these vaginal issues, such as feelings of looseness, urinary incontinence, dryness, and others, can have a negative impact on a women’s quality of life.  
  • Women may also be unaware of the available treatments for these issues and think the only solution is through surgical procedures. However, ThermiVa is a non-surgical way to safely and effectively rejuvenate the vaginal area. 
  • ThermiVa uses radiofrequency energy to gently heat the vaginal tissues and stimulate the tissue-renewal process and the production of collagen, which tightens and strengthens the muscles. 
  • ThermiVa does not require any downtime and is pain-free; most patients will feel and see a noticeable difference after just one session. 
  • Cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Janet Allenby is an excellent doctor that will provide you with compassion, care, and will take time to listen to your issues. She can give you the results you need to restore comfort to your body!

After giving birth to your beautiful new baby, most of your time will be devoted to them. It can be incredibly hard to find time to take care of yourself but these non-invasive treatments provide you a way to get back to your pre-baby body in just a short amount of time!

Whether you had your baby 6 months ago or 16 years ago, these tips and treatments can be helpful to any mother looking to get back to her pre-body weight! If you’d like more information on any of the treatments, provide your information below!

What’s the Difference Between Fat Loss and Weight Loss?

Fat Loss vs. Weight Loss – Yes, There is a Difference!

When trying to slim down, many people track their progress by stepping on the scale. Maybe you were happy by the low number you saw or suddenly became depressed because the number was higher than usual. We’ve all been there at some point, so don’t beat yourself up about it. However, stepping on the scale can be detrimental to your goal. The number on the scale doesn’t tell you much about your health; all it tells you is your relationship with gravity. There is a vast difference between weight loss (to which most people look at) and fat loss, read on to learn why you should be more focused on fat loss than weight loss. 

What is Weight Loss?

  • Weight loss is a decrease in one’s overall body weight, which can include muscle, fat, and water. All in all, weight loss is simply a loss of body weight. 
  • When you lose weight, you are losing more than just fat; you are losing lean body mass and body water. When you only focus on losing weight, you do not get to control how much of each you lose, which can be detrimental. For example, when you lose lean body mass, it directly influences the size of your basal metabolic rate, AKA, your metabolism. 

What is Fat Loss?

  • Fat loss, on the other hand, is a reduction of solely body fat. Most people strive to reduce body fat. 
  • It is important to note that there are two different types of fat in the body. 
    • First, there is essential body fat, which we as humans need. Essential body fat is stored in small amounts in the body’s organs, muscles, bone marrow, and central nervous system. This fat is necessary for good health and to keep the body functioning efficiently. 
    • Second, there is non-essential body fat, (also called excess body fat), which is fat in the body that we do not need. This fat is stored in the adipose tissue, found under the skin, in small amounts in the muscle, and body cavity. Non-essential body fat is the fat we want to lose during fat loss

Does Muscle Weigh More Than Fat?

  • It is important to note that muscle has a much higher density than fat, which means that muscle takes up less volume than an equal mass of fat. And this explains why you’re getting slimmer but not dropping in weight (another reason to nix the scale).
  • You’ve probably heard that a pound of muscle weighs more than a pound of fat, but this is false because a pound is a pound. However, a pound of fat takes up four times the space of muscle tissue, which goes back to the notion that you can look and feel slimmer even though your weight remains the same. 
  • Two people may weigh the same but can look very different. For example, Person 1 may have a high percentage of fat, and Person 2 may have a high percentage of muscle. Twenty pounds of fat is going to give Person 1 a softer look while twenty pounds of muscle is going to give Person 2 a more firm and sculpted look. 

The Impact of Too Much Fat on the Body:

  • Research shows that having too much fat, particularly fat around your waist, can raise your risk of serious illness. Furthermore, people with a higher percentage of body fat have a higher overall death rate, regardless of their weight or BMI. 
  • However, if this sounds familiar to you, you’re not alone. Two-thirds of all Americans are overweight, and roughly one-third are obese, creating an unhealthy epidemic in our country.
  • When you carry too much fat, the heart is the most obvious victim. Cholesterol builds up, blood pressure rises, and arteries get clogged. Then, blood loses its ability to clot, which puts people at an increased risk of having a stroke. 
  • Too much fat also triggers diabetes; when there is excess fat in the body, insulin (a hormone in the body) is affected, which can lead to heart disease.
  • Excess fat can increase your risk of many horrible illnesses. Even people that have a low body weight but a poor muscle-to-fat ratio are at risk for developing obesity-related conditions. Again, this is why it is super important to not just focus on weight loss but instead fat loss.

Best Ways to Lose Fat:

  • By now, you may be wondering how to focus on just losing fat. It’s important to note that losing fat is much more specific than losing weight. Your body needs fat, it is crucial for health and longevity and protects your body against starvation when you can’t access food. However, as they say, it’s possible to have too much of a good thing. So excess fat can be detrimental to your overall health, for the reasons stated above. 
  • We have provided what we think are the best ways to go about losing fat vs. losing weight. 
  1. Healthy eating
    • Many people think that food is the enemy in the battle against fat. However, many nutritionists say, some foods increase your metabolism and boost the body’s ability to burn fat. So instead of focusing on the number of calories you’re consuming, it will be more beneficial to focus on the quality of foods your consuming.
    • Your diet should include foods such as:
      • Avocados – although high in fat, it is considered a “healthy fat” and will keep you full, so you are less likely to snack on processed foods later. 
      • Salmon – This fish is packed with more omega-3 fatty acids than any other food and is also low-glycemic, preventing insulin spikes and fat storage around the mid-section. 
      • Nuts – high in protein, low in simple carbs, and rich in healthy fats, nuts stimulate your body’s ability to burn excess fat.
      • Eggs – Studies show that egg-based breakfasts have been proven to reduce hunger and promote feelings of fullness.
      • Leafy Greens – Kale, swiss chard, spinach, and a few others are loaded with fiber and will aid in the process of fat loss. 
    • The foods mentioned are just a few of the many foods that will help in the process of fat loss. Including these foods in your diet will have a significant effect on your overall health.
  •  High resistance workout
    • Fat loss cannot be achieved by diet alone. A high resistance workout will help you gain lean muscle mass, which will increase your metabolism and lead to fat loss.
    • It is essential to switch up the intensity of your workout and not to overdo it every single day. Aim to work out 3-4 times a week, with a mixture of weight training and cardio.
    • It is essential to build and maintain muscle so that our body can burn fat. 
  • CoolSculpting 
  • CoolSculpting, or cryolipolysis, is FDA-approved to eliminate unwanted fat on the body. 
  • CoolSculpting is 100% non-invasive and works by using freezing temperatures to break down fat cells and ultimately get rid of them. It is important to note that the cold temperature does not damage other cells in the way it does fat cells. 
  • CoolSculpting will not aid in weight loss but rather fat loss. This procedure helps sculpt the body in certain areas. Individuals will find that their clothes fit better and look better.  
  • This procedure is perfect for individuals looking to get rid of stubborn pockets of fat that they otherwise cannot with diet and exercise alone. 

If this sounds like something, you may be interested in or want to learn more about it, check out our site or come on in for your FREE body consultation. 


BodySquad Stepbet Challenge

Now walk it out…

It can be hard to motivate yourself to keep up with an active and healthy lifestyle. But what if the motivation factor was money as well as prizes worth thousands of dollars? Sounds too good to be true, but at BodySquad we have made this possible! Read on to learn how you can stay fit and make money at the same time!

 What is the StepBet Challenge?

    • The StepBet Challenge is a fitness game that motivates you to be more active. For the entire month of October, you will be competing against yourself to meet the step goal that the app will calculate for you. 
    • Every player will pay a $10 join fee, and if you complete your challenge, you will split the pot with the rest of the players. Not only will you split the pot but you’ll also have a chance to win fantastic prizes from the BodySquad raffle.

How Do I Join the Challenge

  1. Download the app StepBet (available on the Google Play Store or Apple App store)
  2. Enter the code SOUTHFLFIT (this is needed to join BodySquad’s team)
  3. Connect your smart device (iPhone, Apple Watch, FitBit, etc.) to the app
  4. StepBet will then use historical data from your tracker to calculate out your goals (this goal will be manageable but also challenging)
  5. Pay the $10 join fee (remember, if you hit your goal, you will get this money back)
  6. You’re in! Read up on the FAQ’s and wait for the challenge to begin (October 1st)

What are the Raffle Prizes?

  • 1 Hydrafacial ($200)
  • 1 Miradry Treatment ($2,150)
  • 4 CoolTone Treatments – 2 winners ($3,200)
  • 1 Vivace Treatment ($800)
  • 1 Level 3 Dysport ($900)
  • 1 CoolSculpting procedure – 2 winners ($775)

Are you ready to get steppin’ with us? We are going to motivate each other every day to get out there and be more active. Join the BodySquad StepBet Challenge and let’s get fit together this October! Ready, Set, Let’s Move! 


Why CoolSculpting Works

Why CoolSculpting Works

Freezing fat without surgery or downtime? It sounds too good to be true. However, there is science backing up the revolutionary non-invasive treatment called CoolSculpting. CoolSculpting has become one of the most popular bodysculpting procedures in the cosmetic world, and we’re here to break down the science behind it.

How Popsicles Led to the Discovery of CoolSculpting:
  • Believe it or not, the science of cryolipolysis (A.K.A CoolSculpting) came about after children who ate popsicles formed dimples on their cheeks. 
  • Two scientists at Harvard University, Dr. Rox Anderson and Dr. Dieter Mansetin were very interested in finding out what caused this. They discovered that the cold temperates from the popsicles were eliminating small pockets of fat within children’s’ faces. 
  • From this discovery, the two doctors concluded that fat cells could be targeted with freezing temperatures to induce lipolysis, which is the break down of fat cells.

Behind the Technology:

  • Fat cells are much more sensitive to cold temperatures than surrounding tissue. This is why the temperature at which the cooling takes place is key to the technology. 
  • The device utilizes controlled cooling, cryolipolysis to drop the temperature of the skin down to the point where fat cells become eliminated. 
  • The surface of the skin, as well as the surrounding tissue, is not affected or harmed in any way. This is due to the exact precision of the technology. 
Download this infographic to learn more about the science behind CoolSculpting

Permanent Reduction of Fat Cells:

    • When you diet and exercise, your fat cells shrink, and when you gain weight, they become enlarged. However, with CoolSculpting, the fat cells are eliminated, meaning that they will not return unless there is a significant weight gain of 100lbs or more
    • Once the Fat Cells are frozen, they are gone forever and gradually get cleaned out of the fat layer through your body’s immune cells. The liver metabolizes the cells and then excretes them from the body, leaving you with an overall slimmer physique. 
    • The fat cells leave the body within 3-4 months, and you will begin to notice the treated area becoming smoother and tighter.
    • With just one CoolSculpting treatment, you can expect to see up to a 25% reduction in fat. 

There have been thousands of clinical studies as well as hundreds of research articles published that confirm the science and technology behind CoolSculpting to be safe and effective. 

Want to win FREE CoolSculpting? Enter to win 8 cycles of CoolSculpting (worth over $6,000), for FREE! Follow the link to enter!



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