Transformation of the Week: Melting the fat away! ?
Melting the fat away! ?
Take a look at the body transformation results this 50-year-old woman achieved at BodySquad. This photo was taken 2 months after her 2nd CoolSculpting treatment.
If you’re interested in our pricing or want to learn more about the BodySquad way, give us a call at 561-903-4945, send us an email to or provide your information below and we will contact you with more information!
Transformation of the Week: Hello Toned Tummy! ?
Hello Toned Tummy! ?
This 30-year-old woman was looking to tone her body and get rid of stubborn fat on her belly. She underwent 4 treatments of the CoolTone machine where she was able to build muscle and remove fat leaving her with a toned and sculpted midsection.
If you’re interested in our pricing or want to learn more about the BodySquad way, give us a call at 561-903-4945, send us an email to or provide your information below and we will contact you with more information!
Transformation of the Week: Sculpting her dream body ?!
Sculpting her dream body ?!
This woman came to BodySquad looking to tone and sculpt her mid-section. She underwent a full round of CoolTone and will be coming back to treat with CoolSculpting to get rid of the remaining stubborn fat.
She is THRILLED with her results so far! We LOVE to see this hour-glass figure appearing before our eyes. ?
If you’re interested in our pricing or want to learn more about the BodySquad way, give us a call at 561-903-4945, send us an email to or provide your information below and we will contact you with more information!
Transformation of the Week: That Muscle Definition ?!
That Muscle Definition ?!
This 30-year-old toned and sculpted her stomach at BodySquad by first removing stubborn fat with CoolSculpting and then toned her stomach and flanks using EmSculpt.
This woman took her body from fit to rock-solid. We are so excited about her results!
If you’re interested in our pricing or want to learn more about the BodySquad way, give us a call at 561-903-4945, send us an email to or provide your information below and we will contact you with more information!
Transformation of the Week: See Ya, Stomach Pooch!
See Ya, Stomach Pooch!
This 30-year-old was struggling to lose stubborn belly fat she had acquired over the years due to the body’s natural aging process. She turned to BodySquad to help her get rid of her remaining belly fat.
This patient completed 4 treatments of the CoolTone treatment at BodySquad and will continue with her bodysculpting plan that was curated specifically for her by a BodySquad specialist.
If you’re interested in our pricing or want to learn more about the BodySquad way, give us a call at 561-903-4945, send us an email to or provide your information below and we will contact you with more information!